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O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright

1   2    
3         4       5      
  6   7    
10   11      


  1. Thou heavenly Brightness! _____ divine!
  2. my _____ to serve thee solely!
  3. rich in _____,
  4. and make thee there an _____!
  5. Thou Root of _____, David's Son,
  6. rule and _____ o'er all possessing.
  7. my Lord and _____, thou has won
  8. in love that cannot _____;
  9. O deep within my heart now _____,
  10. doth possess me; turn and _____ me;


  1. fair and _____, all-victorious,
  2. fill me with joy and _____ to be
  3. thou beamest forth in _____ and light,
  4. thy _____, ever joined to thee
  5. eye and heart long for thy _____.
  6. O Sovereign _____ and lowly!
  7. O Morning Star, how _____ and bright

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