Suggested Hymns from

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Proper 7(12)

Unifying Theme:
God, who set the way from beginning to end

Scripture Theme Hymns
Genesis 21:8-21
Jeremiah 20:7-13
God who makes the way
God who prevails
374: Standing on the Promises
473: Lead Me, Lord
Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17
Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18
God the guardian
God of rescue
381: Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
591: Rescue the Perishing
Romans 6:1b-11 God of resurrection 303: The Day of Resurrection
315: Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Matthew 10:24-39 God over body and soul 126: Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
147: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Featured Hymn
Lead Me Lord

Hymn #473
Text: Psalms 5:8, 4:8
Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Tune: ---, Meter: Irr.

Leadership is among the most prominently discussed personality traits and characteristics that people have. I suppose that is only natural, considering that leaders, by their nature, tend to be prominent in any setting. On the other side, far less is said of the follower. The one who is capable, prepared and willing. The one who looks for the leader, looks to the leader, and follows the leader. The one for whom there is little recognition. It seems ironic, since a person can be recognized as a leader only if there are those who follow.

This week's featured hymn was written by Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876). His heritage was grand, but yet flawed. His surname "Wesley" was passed down to him as a grandson of Charles Wesley, one of the most prolific hymn writers in history. It was also passed down to him as an illegitimate son of Charles' own son Samuel, who maintained a long term relationship with Sarah Suter but never married her. In an age when illegitimacy carried heavy social consequences, the younger Samuel could certainly have chosen to follow a path filled with bitterness. Instead, he lived his entire life devoted to service through music, starting as a choir boy. By the age of 16 he had become an organist and began writing sacred music. He is characterized by some as the first great composer of sacred music in the Victorian era. His career would take him through Hereford, Exeter, Leeds, Winchester and Gloucester. He was outspoken for the need for reform in church music, which apparently led to a number of confrontations and provided "incentive" to find new positions. In a life filled with so much turmoil in his family and his career, what comfort he must have found in the words of the Psalmist for which he composed a simple, yet deep and moving melody. Use this link and listen to the music as you prayerfully read these words:

Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness;
make thy way plain before my face.

For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord only,
that makest me dwell in safety.

Samuel Sebastian Wesley was capable, prepared, and willing. He was a great follower. He looked for and found the greatest of all leaders--the Lord of all creation. May we all follow in the footsteps of our Lord, too.

God bless you--
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Passages suggested are from The Revised Common Lectionary: Consultation on Common Texts (Abingdon Press, 1992) copyright © by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Reprinted with permission of CCT.