HymnSite.com's Suggested Hymns

Sundays after Pentecost

Proper 25(30)

Unifying Theme:
Purity and fulfillment in truly following
the law of the Lord

Scripture Theme Hymns
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18
Moses sees the promised land
God's people to be holy and just
479: Jesus, Lover of My Soul
525: We'll Understand It Better By and By
724: On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
Psalm 1
The Lord, our dwelling place
Delight in God's law
88: Maker in Whom We Live
117: O God, Our Help in Ages Past
379: Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Purity of motives 160: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
361: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
420: Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Matthew 22:34-46 The greatest commandment, and the Messiah is Lord 89: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
470: My God, I Love Thee

Featured Hymn
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

Hymn #160
Text: Edward H. Plumtre, 1821-1891
Music: Arthur H. Messiter, 1834-1916
Tune: MARION, Meter: SM with Refrain

We have it on great authority. Christ told us that the pure in heart will see God. But what is it to be "pure?" I looked it up in Meriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. The dictionary provides a number of definitions. Pure can mean something that is free from moral fault or guilt. In another sense, it refers to something that is not mixed with anything else. There are several more definitions, but these give us a good start.

The pure in heart are free from moral fault or guilt to their very core, but the Word tells us that all our righteousness is as filthy rags. So how can we ever be pure? How can we ever see God? Through the purifying power of salvation in Jesus Christ! When we accept Christ into our hearts and keep our focus only on Him, then Christ can cleanse us and make us pure, unmixed with other desires and distractions that separate us from God. Then what a time of rejoicing there will be. Indeed, having been made pure in heart, we shall see God for eternity!

This week's featured hymn was written by Edward H. Plumtre (1821-1891) as a processional hymn for a choir festival in Peterborough Cathedral. A processional hymn for a festival like this needed to be long, and Plumtre's original eleven stanzas of Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart provided enough to fill the need. The theme of rejoicing and thanks continued verse after verse, encouraging and inspiring the congregation to worship God. The United Methodist Hymnal includes five. Seek to be pure in heart as you read them.

1. Rejoice, ye pure in heart;
rejoice, give thanks and sing;
your glorious banner wave on high,
the cross of Christ your King.

Rejoice, rejoice,
rejoice, give thanks and sing.

2. Your clear hosannas raise,
and alleluias loud;
whilst answering echoes upward float,
like wreaths of incense cloud.
3. Yes, on through life's long path,
still chanting as ye go;
from youth to age, by night and day,
in gladness and in woe.
4. At last the march shall end;
the wearied ones shall rest;
the pilgrims find their heavenly home,
Jerusalem the blest.
5. Praise God who reigns on high,
the Lord whom we adore,
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
one God forevermore.

May your life of worship be filled with joy and thanks as you sing your praise to God.

God bless you--
Lection at HymnSite.com

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God bless you!

Passages suggested are from The Revised Common Lectionary: Consultation on Common Texts (Abingdon Press, 1992) copyright © by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Reprinted with permission of CCT.

Here are the eleven verses of Plumtre's hymn:

Rejoice ye pure in heart;
Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.

Rejoice, rejoice,
Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Bright youth and snow crowned age,
Strong men and maidens meek,
Raise high your free, exultant song,
God’s wondrous praises speak.

Yes onward, onward still
With hymn, and chant and song,
Through gate, and porch and columned aisle,
The hallowed pathways throng.

With all the angel choirs,
With all the saints of earth,
Pour out the strains of joy and bliss,
True rapture, noblest mirth.

Your clear hosannas raise;
And alleluias loud;
Whilst answering echoes upward float,
Like wreaths of incense cloud.

With voice as full and strong
As ocean’s surging praise,
Send forth the hymns our fathers loved,
The psalms of ancient days.

Yes, on through life’s long path,
Still chanting as ye go;
From youth to age, by night and day,
In gladness and in woe.

Still lift your standard high,
Still march in firm array,
As warriors through the darkness toil,
Till dawns the golden day.

At last the march shall end;
The wearied ones shall rest;
The pilgrims find their heavenly home,
Jerusalem the blessed.

Then on, ye pure in heart!
Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.

Praise Him Who reigns on high,
The Lord Whom we adore,
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
One God forevermore.