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Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated

The Baptist Hymnal No. 277
Text: Frances R. Havergal
Music: Henri A. C. Malan; harm. Lowell Mason
Tune: HENDON Meter:

Contents of's Baptist Hymnal materials

1.	Take my life, and let it be 
	Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; 
	Take my hands and let them move 
	At the impulse of Thy love, 
	At the impulse of Thy love. 

2.	Take my feet, and let them be 
	Swift and beautiful for Thee; 
	Take my voice and let me sing 
	Always, only, for my King, 
	Always, only, for my King. 

3.	Take my silver and my gold, 
	Not a might would I withhold; 
	Take my moments and my days; 
	Let them flow in ceaseless praise, 
	Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 

4.	Take my will, and make it Thine, 
	It shall be no longer mine; 
	Take my heart, it is Thine own, 
	It shall be Thy royal throne, 
	It shall be Thy royal throne. 

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Text file
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