- Wrote words to "The Voice of God Is Calling"
- Wrote tune to "Rejoice, the Lord Is King"
- Wrote words to "Give to the Winds Thy Fears"
- Wrote words to "For All the Saints"
- Wrote tune to "Heralds of Christ"
- Wrote words to "Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness"
- Wrote words to "Sing with All the Saints in Glory"
- Wrote tune to "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling"
- Wrote tune to "Give to the Winds Thy Fears"
- Wrote tune to "Are Ye Able"
- Wrote words to "Are Ye Able"
- Wrote tune to "The Day of Resurrection"
- Wrote words to "O Jesus, I Have Promised"
- Wrote tune to "Sing with All the Saints in Glory"
- Wrote tune to "Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness"
- Wrote tune to "Forth in Thy Name, O Lord"
- Wrote tune to "The Voice of God Is Calling"
- Wrote words to "Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above"
- Wrote words to "God of the Ages"
- Wrote "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying"
- Translated "Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness"
- Wrote words to "Heralds of Christ"
- Translated "The Day of Resurrection"
- Wrote words to "I Sing the Almighty Power of God"
- Wrote tune to "O Jesus, I Have Promised"