Hymn Crosswords: I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord

This crossword was created by CARadke (copr CARadke) with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

12  3   
4  5 
6      78             
  10            11
12    13    14 
16                  17
18        19         
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Copyright by CARadke, All rights reserved


  1. Her walls before thee _____
  2. to _____ shall be given
  3. with his own _____ blood.
  4. for her my _____ ascend,
  5. Sure as thy _____ shall last,
  6. I prize her _____ ways,
  7. the brightest _____ earth can yield,
  8. till toils and _____ shall end.
  9. her sweet communion, _____ vows,


  1. and graven on thy _____.
  2. the house of thine _____,
  3. Beyond my _____ joy
  4. her hymns of love and _____.
  5. the _____ our blest Redeemer saved
  6. and brighter bliss of _____.
  7. dear as the _____ of thine eye,
  8. to her my cares and _____ be given,
  9. For her my _____ shall fall,
  10. I love thy _____, Lord,

This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke (copr CARadke) with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!