HymnSite.com's Suggested Hymns for the 23rd Sunday After Pentecost

October 26, 1997
23rd Sunday After Pentecost
Unifying Themes and Hymns:
Prayer Changes Things
Featured Hymn
496 Sweet Hour of Prayer

It's Me, O Lord, Standing in the Need of Prayer
341 I Sought the Lord
Proper 25[30] (Sunday between Oct. 23 & 29 Inclusive)
Job 4:1-6, 10-17


Jeremiah 31:7-9
God Comforts Job;
Faithful to the End

God Gathers Israel;
Wanderers, Come Home

505 When Our Confidence is Shaken
507 Through it All
358 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
130 God Will Take Care of You
500 Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart
523 Saranam, Saranam
377 It is Well With My Soul
348 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
337 Only Trust Him
694 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
519 Lift Every Voice and Sing
Additional Suggestions
Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22)


Psalm 126

God Answers the Prayers of the Afflicted;

The Joy of Deliverance;
From Weeping to Shouts of Joy
Psalter 769, resp. 1
129 Give to the Winds Thy Fears
130 God Will Take Care of You
498 My Prayer Rises to Heaven
Psalter 847 resp. 2
126 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
416 Come Out the Wilderness
383 This is The Day of New Beginnings
394 Something Beautiful
Additional Suggestions
Mark 10:46-52 Prayer for Mercy Answered;
Jesus Meets the Needs of the Most Wretched
357 Just As I Am
351 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
378 Amazing Grace
340 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

479 Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Additional Suggestions

Hebrews 7:23-28

Jesus' Priesthood;
Jesus: Our Intercessor
325 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus
622 There is a Fountain
166 All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine
170 O How I Love Jesus
Additional Suggestions

Featured Hymn
496 Sweet Hour of Prayer

Text: attr. William W. Walford

Here's a well-known hymn by an obscure author. And perhaps that is the way it should be: the genesis of a hymn about the spiritual mysteries of prayer is itself shrounded in mystery.

Rev. Thomas Salmon (1800-1854) claims that he met William W. Walford, a blind preacher, of obscure birth and connections, without education, but with a keen mind, particularly apt at memorizing and quoting entire portions of Scripture. During a visit to him, Walford supposedly dictated the words of this hymn to Salmon, who submitted it for publication.

True, it is usually attributed to Walford, but hymnologists have never found "a blind preacher" by that exact name, living at the period of time the hymn is said to have been writen, in the village where it is said he lived and preached. The confusion over the identity of the poet has resulted in this hymn even being wrongly attributed to Fanny Crosby in times past.

William Batchelder Bradbury, the composer of the hymn tune, wrote it specifically for the text in 1861.

The hymn entered Methodist Hymnals in 1878, 1882, and 1889 with stanzas 1,3, and 4. In the 1935 Hymnal stanza 4 was dropped and stanza 2 was added in its place. This is the arrangement in the current United Methodist hymnal as well.

The omitted 4th stanza is still sung in many faith communities:

    • Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
    • May I thy consolation share,
    • Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height,
    • I view my home, and take my flight:
    • This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise
    • To seize the everlasting prize;
    • And shout, while passing through the air,
    • Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer!

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Lection at HymnSite.com

Contributed by Rev. Linda K. Morgan-Clark

Additional Suggestions for Old Testament Lections

Job: See Index listing "Comfort" p.939; see also Hymns 451-508 (Prayer, Trust and Hope)
Jeremiah: See Hymns 337-350 (Invitation)

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Additional Suggestions for Psalm Readings

Psalm 34: See Job above
Psalm 126: See Index listing, "Joy" p.946

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Additional Suggestions for Gospel Lesson

See Index listing, "Presence" p.946; see also Hymns 337-350 (Invitation)

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Additional Suggestions for Epistle Lesson

See Index listing, "Atonement" p. 944; see also Hymns 153-195 (In Praise of Christ)

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