HymnSite.com's Suggested Hymns

First Sunday after Christmas

(Year A)

Unifying Theme:
Christ is indeed among us.

Scripture Theme Hymns
Isaiah 63:7-9 God's people are saved by the angel of His presence 181: Ye Servants of God
280: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Psalm 148 In the heavens and in the earth, praise the Lord 95: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
96: Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
Hebrews 2:10-18 Christ, our brother and high priest 89: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
379: Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow
Matthew 2:13-23 Christ taken to Egypt; return to Nazareth 179: O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
371: I Stand Amazed in the Presence

Featured Hymn
Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow

Hymn #379
Words by Charles Wesley
Music by Lewis Edson
Tune Name: LENOX

It is Christmastide, the season of Christmas. We have celebrated the arrival of the Christ Child; we await the visit of the Magi. What a wondrous time of year this is! In the United States and many other places, gifts were exchanged on Friday morning. In Latin America and other lands, gifts will arrive with the Epiphany of the Lord on January 6, and children remain in the heightened expectation of that day.

The world in Christ is full of joy right now. It is a resounding joy--one that overwhelms; one that fills us so completely that we can't hold it in; one that is seen and heard all around the world.

Although it is not traditionally recognized as a carol of Advent, Christmastide, or the Epiphany, this week's featured hymn captures an important message of this season. The year of Jubilee was a year of freedom, a year of forgiveness, a year of great joy. That year has come to us, as it has come to us before and will come to us again and again.

Charles Wesley penned the words of this hymn to emphasize the theme of justifying grace. Christ, whose birth we celebrate during this blessed season, is the all atoning Lamb. Slaves to sin and death are set free. Heritage in heaven has been restored through the gift of Jesus' blood. What exciting themes! Read the words yourself:

1. Blow ye the trumpet, blow!
The gladly solemn sound
let all the nations know,
to earth's remotest bound:
2. Jesus, our great high priest,
hath full atonement made;
ye weary spirits, rest;
ye mournful souls, be glad:
3. Extol the Lamb of God,
the all atoning Lamb;
redemption in his blood
througout the world proclaim.
4. Ye slaves of sin and hell,
your liberty receive,
and safe in Jesus dwell,
and blest in Jesus live:
5. Ye who have sold for nought
your heritage above
shall have it back unbought,
the gift of Jesus' love:
6. The gospel trumpet hear,
the news of heavenly grace;
and saved from earth, appear
before your Savior's face:
The year of jubilee is come!
The year of jubilee is come!
Return to your eternal home.
Refrain: (vs 1-5)
The year of jubilee is come!
The year of jubilee is come!
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

Speaking as a trumpeter myself, the tune LENOX does not carry as much excitement in the melody as the words inspire, but bold fanfares can answer the melodic phrases magnificently. Whether you sing the words or play the tune on an instrument, take a deep breath and proclaim its message loudly.

God bless you--
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God bless you!

Passages suggested are from The Revised Common Lectionary: Consultation on Common Texts (Abingdon Press, 1992) copyright © by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), P.O. Box 340003, Room 381, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Reprinted with permission of CCT.