_____ star, lend thy light;
from heaven's all-_____ King."
the little Lord Jesus, _____ on the hay.
in the _____ midwinter, long ago.
Lord, we are thine, we give _____ to thee.
Lift up your heads, ye _____ gates;
repeat the sounding _____,
to human view _____,
Angels from the realms of _____,
as those of old have _____.
"All glory be to _____ on high,
when _____ spent was the night.
born to give us _____ birth.
There's a song in the _____!
Not by _____ flesh and blood;
amid the cold of _____,
eye and heart long for thy _____.
close by me _____, and love me, I pray;
is our Lord in heaven _____;
Of Jesse's _____ coming,
The _____ in the sky looked down where he lay,
saw the glory, heard the _____,
woman's offspring, _____ and fresh.
How _____, how silently,
light of the _____ life from day to day;
but his mother only, in her _____ bliss,
Break forth, O _____ heavenly light,
lo, he shuns not the Virgin's _____;
day by day, like us he _____;
O Sovereign _____ and lowly!
for the virgin's _____ boy
while the _____ sing,
a _____ without end.
rule and _____ o'er all possessing.
heaven and earth shall flee away when he comes to _____.
and the _____ world send back the song
King forever, ceasing _____,
O deep within my heart now _____,
_____ and never cease!"
great David's greater _____!
by _____ seen of old,
had seized their _____ mind.
three Wise Men came from _____ far;
with painful _____ and slow,
_____, in the field abiding,
all meanly wrapped in _____ bands,
the wondrous _____ is given;
still as of old he calleth, "_____ me!"
It came upon the _____ clear,
we would embrace thee with love and _____.
Bethlehem saw his _____;
In the bleak midwinter a _____ place sufficed
Yea, Lord, we _____ thee, born this happy morning,
let _____ hearts enthrone him.
and stay by my _____ till morning is nigh.
be born in us _____.
Christ the _____ is born!
He rules the world with _____ and grace,
No more let sins and _____ grow,
now _____ Messiah's birth:
They looked up and saw a _____
in fields where they lay _____ their sheep,
This child, now weak in _____,
Let us arise, all meaner _____ scorning;
risen with _____ in his wings.
the King of kings _____ brings,
the little Lord _____ laid down his sweet head.
love, joy, and _____, like flowers,
and in a manger _____."
Mary, loving mother _____,
on a cold winter's night that was so _____.
brighter _____ beam afar;
The _____ of time shall never
suddenly the Lord, _____,
Let all their songs _____;
This star drew nigh to the _____,
our _____ and joy shall be,
I _____ thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
guide us to thy _____ light.
Good _____, fear, for sinners here
to us the path of _____ show
is born of David's _____
Holy infant, so _____ and mild,
What _____ is this who, laid to rest,
from tender _____ hath sprung!
Christ the _____ is Lord of all.
He shall come down like _____
and this shall be the _____:"
eternal praise, _____ fame
to set the captive _____;
O sing, all ye _____ of heaven above!
o'er the _____ birth,
above thy deep and _____ sleep
We would see Jesus; lo! his star is _____
our _____ to thee we open wide;
He comes to _____ oppression,
incense owns a _____ nigh;
and daily vows _____;
Glory to God, all glory in the _____;
Light and _____ to all he brings,
There's a mother's deep _____
Saints, before the _____ bending,
o'er all the _____ world;
where meek souls will _____ him, still
and _____ sing to God the king,
and his cradle was a _____.
There's a star in the _____!
_____ in the stone-cold tomb.
when he came _____ to earth,
ye who _____ creation's story
shining in the _____, beyond them far;
they bend on _____ wing,
O little town of _____,
all seated on the _____;
and bid the weak be _____;
was to certain poor shepherds in _____ as they lay;
_____ shall come to thee,
and rule in _____.
Who would not love thee, loving us so _____?
and so it continued both _____ and night.
bearing _____ we traverse afar,
to all of _____."
the Christ of God, the life, the truth, the _____.
God's bright star, o'er his _____,
and _____ the angels sing!
for that child so dear and _____
His the doom, ours the _____;
to the _____ where he is gone.
"Peace on the _____, good will to men,
of angels praising God on _____,
far as the curse is _____,
shining _____ through every task most lowly,
but in this world of _____,
Then entered in those Wise Men _____,
from the _____ would hide him.
the King of _____ is drawing near;
So bring him _____, gold, and myrrh,
on Mary's lap is _____?
What can I give him, _____ as I am?
O come, thou _____ from on high,
which now the angels _____.
Virgin's son, here make thy _____!
until our _____ goal is won;
Glorious now behold him _____;
born on earth to _____ us;
_____ stream from heaven afar,
in love that cannot _____;
prayer and praising, voices _____,
O come all ye faithful, joyful and _____,
sounds through the earth and _____.
shepherds _____ at the sight;
And by the light of that _____ star
worship Christ, the _____ king.
if I were a _____ Man, I would do my part;
And our _____ at last shall see him,
Hail to the Lord's _____,
was the _____ of God made flesh,
On this day earth shall _____
"Glory to the new born _____,
_____ I bring to crown him again,
the silent Word is _____.
Why lies he in such mean _____
We hear the _____ angels
with their _____ earth shall ring,
are _____ in his sight.
the _____ I have in mind;
and fit us for _____ to live with thee there.
In the bleak midwinter, _____ wind made moan,
how _____ we see thee lie;
O morning stars _____,
join the _____ of the skies;
whom shepherds guard and _____ sing;
the hopes and fears of all the _____
Angels and _____ may have gathered there,
and that song from _____
the blessedness which simple _____ has found.
tidings of a _____ true.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to _____
Come and _____, come and worship,
sorrowing, sighing, _____, dying,
_____ till the morning new
born is the King of _____.
worshiped the beloved with a _____.
Joyful, all ye _____ rise,
and a baby's low _____!
For Christ is born of _____,
This, this is _____ the King,
Infant holy, infant _____,
_____ lowing, little knowing,
Hail the heaven-born _____ of Peace!
_____ night, holy night,
We would see Jesus, in the early _____,
above its sad and lowly _____,
with _____ wings unfurled,
Rejoice! _____!
"To you, in David's _____, this day
ox and ass _____ him
and he feeleth for our _____,
The _____ are lowing, the baby awakes,
breathes a life of gathering _____;
the _____ angels sing.
and to the earth it gave great _____,
The first Noel the _____ did say
where ox and ass are _____?
Hark! the _____ angels sing,
Away in a _____, no crib for a bed,
Myrrh is mine; its _____ perfume
he comes to make his _____ flow
leaving their flocks, draw nigh to _____;
kneel they low by his _____,
at _____ before the sun was set;
where a _____ laid her baby
thy _____, ever joined to thee
He comes with succor _____
haste, haste to bring him _____,
while _____ sleep, the angels keep
tears and _____ like us he knew;
yonder shines the _____ light:
and ever o'er its Babel _____
O shepherds, shrink not with _____,
Thus spake the _____ and forthwith
whose forms are _____ low,
lie the _____ impearled;
and we _____ the song
ye have seen his _____ star:
whose _____, condemned and dying,
and order all things _____ and nigh;
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a _____;
full reverently upon the _____,
There in a manger on the _____ reclining;