HymnSite.com Crossword PuzzlesHymnSite.com
Crossword Puzzle Index--by Week

The crossword puzzle for suggested hymns for use with the current week of the Revised Common Lectionary will appear on the main HymnSite.com Crosswords page if it is available.

This collection of puzzles is a work in progress. We hope you will follow along through the three-year lectionary cycle as they are prepared.

Follow this link for an index to puzzles for individual hymns.

Year A

Christmas Crossword (Blank | Key)

Year B

Proper 22[27] (Answer key)
Proper 23[28] (Answer key)
Proper 24[29] (Answer key)
Proper 25[30] (Answer key)
Proper 26[31] (Answer key)
Proper 27[32] (Answer key)
Proper 29[34] (Answer key)

Year C

4th Sun. after Epiphany (Answer key)
5th Sun. after Epiphany (Answer key)
Last Sun. after Epiphany (Answer key)
Ash Wednesday (Answer key)
2nd Sun. During Lent (Answer key)
3rd Sun. During Lent (Answer key)

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