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He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought

1 2 3   4        
6             7
  9         10  


  1. Sometimes mid scenes of _____ gloom,
  2. O words with heavenly _____ fraught!
  3. still 'tis God's hand that _____ me.
  4. He leadeth me: O _____ thought!
  5. since God through _____ leadeth me.
  6. Lord, I would place my hand in _____,


  1. when by thy _____ the victory's won,
  2. nor ever _____ nor repine;
  3. And when my task on _____ is done,
  4. his faithful _____ I would be,
  5. e'en death's cold _____ I will not flee,
  6. by his own _____ he leadeth me;
  7. by waters still, o'er _____ sea,
  8. sometimes where Eden's bowers _____,

Puzzle key

This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword.
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