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Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

2               3
    4 5 6
9         10 11    
    12           13  
  14             15    
  17 18            


  1. _____ the blest.
  2. _____, give thanks and sing.
  3. from _____ to age, by night and day,
  4. Your clear _____ raise,
  5. still _____ as ye go;
  6. the wearied ones shall _____;
  7. like _____ of incense cloud.
  8. Praise God who _____ on high,
  9. in _____ and in woe.


  1. Rejoice, ye _____ in heart;
  2. At last the _____ shall end;
  3. and alleluias _____;
  4. the pilgrims find their _____ home,
  5. whilst answering _____ upward float,
  6. one God _____.
  7. Yes, on through life's long _____,
  8. the cross of _____ your King.
  9. the Lord whom we _____,
  10. the Father, Son, and Holy _____,
  11. rejoice, give thanks and _____;
  12. your glorious banner _____ on high,

Puzzle key

This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword.
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