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In the Bleak Midwinter

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  1. if I were a _____ Man, I would do my part;
  2. If I were a shepherd, I would bring a _____;
  3. the Lord God _____, Jesus Christ.
  4. yet what I can I give him: give my _____.
  5. Our God, heaven cannot hold him, nor earth _____;
  6. in the _____ midwinter, long ago.
  7. In the bleak midwinter a _____ place sufficed
  8. Angels and _____ may have gathered there,
  9. heaven and earth shall flee away when he comes to _____.


  1. earth stood hard as iron, _____ like a stone;
  2. but his mother only, in her _____ bliss,
  3. In the bleak midwinter, _____ wind made moan,
  4. snow had _____, snow on snow, snow on snow,
  5. cherubim and _____ thronged the air;
  6. What can I give him, _____ as I am?
  7. worshiped the beloved with a _____.

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