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O Little Town of Bethlehem

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      14       15 16  
17         18 19      
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  1. O little town of _____,
  2. O holy _____ of Bethlehem,
  3. and _____ sing to God the king,
  4. are met in thee _____.
  5. and _____ to all on earth!
  6. the _____ glad tidings tell;
  7. O morning stars _____,
  8. be born in us _____.
  9. cast out our sin, and _____ in,
  10. proclaim the _____ birth,
  11. the _____ stars go by.
  12. the _____ light;
  13. above thy deep and _____ sleep


  1. how _____ we see thee lie;
  2. _____ to us, we pray;
  3. the dear Christ _____ in.
  4. For Christ is born of _____,
  5. o come to us, _____ with us,
  6. No ear may hear his _____,
  7. and gathered all _____,
  8. How _____, how silently,
  9. We hear the _____ angels
  10. the hopes and fears of all the _____
  11. our Lord _____!
  12. their watch of _____ love.
  13. while _____ sleep, the angels keep
  14. where meek souls will _____ him, still
  15. Yet in thy dark streets _____
  16. the wondrous _____ is given;
  17. but in this world of _____,
  18. so _____ imparts to human hearts

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