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Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

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3                       4
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13               14  
  15 16        


  1. Hail the Sun of _____!
  2. Mild he lays his _____ by,
  3. Hail the heaven-born _____ of Peace!
  4. Hark! the _____ angels sing,
  5. Light and _____ to all he brings,
  6. Christ, by highest heaven _____;
  7. hail th' incarnate _____,
  8. "Christ is born in _____!"
  9. Christ, the _____ Lord;


  1. join the _____ of the skies;
  2. _____ that we no more may die,
  3. born to give us _____ birth.
  4. _____ with us in flesh to dwell,
  5. late in time _____ him come,
  6. Veiled in flesh the _____ see;
  7. peace on earth, and _____ mild,
  8. born to raise us from the _____,
  9. "Glory to the new born _____,
  10. _____, our Emmanuel.

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