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The First Noel

1       2 3
5           6 7        
9     10  
    11       12
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17                 18  


  1. to seek for a _____ was their intent,
  2. was to certain poor shepherds in _____ as they lay;
  3. The first Noel the _____ did say
  4. Then entered in those Wise Men _____,
  5. full reverently upon the _____,
  6. on a cold winter's night that was so _____.
  7. three Wise Men came from _____ far;
  8. This star drew nigh to the _____,
  9. and offered there, in his _____,


  1. in fields where they lay _____ their sheep,
  2. and to the earth it gave great _____,
  3. _____ and myrrh and frankincense.
  4. And by the light of that _____ star
  5. born is the King of _____.
  6. shining in the _____, beyond them far;
  7. and so it continued both _____ and night.
  8. o'er _____ it took its rest;
  9. and to _____ the star wherever it went.
  10. and there it did both stop and _____,
  11. They looked up and saw a _____
  12. right over the place where _____ lay.

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