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There's a Song in the Air

1 2 3 4        
5 6            
    8 9   10
12   13          
14 15              
20     21                
22       23          


  1. our _____ and King!
  2. We _____ in the light,
  3. And the _____ rains its fire
  4. There's a star in the _____!
  5. and we greet in his _____
  6. for the _____ of Bethlehem
  7. Every _____ is aflame,
  8. There's a tumult of _____
  9. o'er the _____ birth,
  10. lie the _____ impearled;
  11. that comes down through the _____


  1. has swept over the _____.
  2. that _____ is King!
  3. There's a song in the _____!
  4. and we _____ the song
  5. cradles a _____!
  6. There's a mother's deep _____
  7. while the _____ sing,
  8. is the Lord of the _____.
  9. and a baby's low _____!
  10. In the _____ of that star
  11. in the homes of the _____
  12. for the virgin's _____ boy
  13. and that song from _____

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