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We Would See Jesus

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  1. shining _____ through every task most lowly,
  2. There in a manger on the _____ reclining;
  3. haste, let us lay our _____ before the King.
  4. the blessedness which simple _____ has found.
  5. We would see Jesus, in the early _____,
  6. at _____ before the sun was set;
  7. Lord, we are thine, we give _____ to thee.
  8. of God made flesh, in _____ service met.
  9. still as of old he calleth, "_____ me!"
  10. the Christ of God, the life, the truth, the _____.
  11. while birds and flowers and sky above are _____


  1. We would see Jesus, in his work of _____,
  2. We would see Jesus, Mary's son most _____,
  3. divine and _____, in his deep revealing
  4. above the _____ while the angels sing;
  5. Let us arise, all meaner _____ scorning;
  6. with all the _____ people gathered round;
  7. We would see Jesus, on the _____ teaching,
  8. light of the _____ life from day to day;
  9. We would see Jesus; lo! his star is _____

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