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God, Who Madest Earth and Heaven

1   2     3
    5     6
7     8       9
10     11      
13               14      


  1. slumber sweet thy _____ send us;
  2. to _____ rise.
  3. O God most _____!
  4. for rest the _____
  5. let not ease and _____ enthrall us,
  6. this _____ night.
  7. who the day for _____ hast given,
  8. may thine angel guards _____ us,


  1. When the constant sun _____
  2. may we, born anew like _____,
  3. darkness and _____,
  4. unseals our _____,
  5. God, that madest earth and _____,
  6. strong through thee whate'er _____ us,
  7. Gird us for the task that _____ us,
  8. holy dreams and _____ attend us,

Puzzle Key

This crossword puzzle was created by CARadke with EclipseCrossword.
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