HymnSite.com's Suggested Hymns for the 21st Sunday After Pentecost

October 12, 1997
21st Sunday After Pentecost

Unifying Themes and Hymns:
An Elusive God
103 Immortal, Invisible God, Only Wise

Our Help is in What God Provides
Featured Hymn
142 If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
Proper 23[28] (Sunday between Oct. 9 & 15 Inclusive)
Scripture Theme Hymns
Job 23:1-9, 16-17

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
An Unfathomable God;
Seeking God

Injustice Punished;
Seek Only God

341 I Sought the Lord
385 Let Us Plead By Faith Alone
414 Thou Hidden Love of God
450 Creator of the Earth and Skies
428 For the Healing of the Nations
433 All Who Love and Serve Your City
Additional Suggestions
Psalm 22:1-15


Psalm 90:12-17

Forsaken by God;
The Depths of Human Suffering

Plead for Divine Favor
Pray for Relief from Suffering
Psalter 752, response 2
522 Leave It There
512 Stand By Me
397 I Need Thee Every Hour
518 O Thou in Whose Presence
Psalter 809
405 Seek Ye First
388 O Come and Dwell in Me
126 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
124 Seek The Lord
Additional Suggestions
Mark 10:17-31 The Price of Immortality;
Possessions Are Not Enough
399 Take My Life, and Let It Be
354 I Surrender All
382 Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Additional Suggestions
Hebrews 4:12-16;

Jesus Identifies With Us;
Assurance that God is Approachable
529 How Firm a Foundation
371 I Stand Amazed in the Presence
292 What Wondrous Love is This
332 Spirit of Faith Come Down
Additional Suggestions

Featured Hymn
142 If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee

Text: Georg Neumark
trans. Catherine Winkworth
Tune: Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten

Georg Neumark (1621-1681), who lived a rather unremarkable -- and often miserable -- life, is known primarily for this hymn, which was written in the midst of a very bitter experience of victimization, destitution and unemployment. Robbed and left with only his prayerbook and a few coins while enroute to the University at Konigsberg, he spent nearly 2 years trying to find work in 4 different cities so that he could save enough money to finish his education.

It was upon the occasion of finally being given a tutoring job in the home of a wealthy judge, that he wrote this text and tune. It is based on Psalm 55:22 and originally entitled, "A Song of Comfort: God will care for and help everyone in His own time."

He eventually returned to the University and studied law, but he aimlessly wandered about for 3 years after graduation. He finally found a clerical position, in which he remained until his death. The last months of his life were spent in blindness. Most of his 34 hymns were written during times of great trial and suffering.

Catherine Winkworth is credited with translating this hymn from German (see the August 24, 1997, featured Hymn for more information about her contribution to English hymnody).

Neumark also wrote the hymn's tune. It is better known than its composer. Bach is said to have loved this chorale-like tune, using it in a number of ways in his works: as the basis for a cantata by the same name; as the closing chorale in 4 other cantatas; and as the theme of one of his organ compositions. Mendelssohn also used it as a chorale in the oratorio St. Paul. Lutherans especially loved this tune, and used it for more than 400 hymns.

The first inclusion in a Methodist hymnal was in 1905, using only 4 stanzas of the original seven. The 1964 Methodist Hymnal restored the tune from 4/4 time to its original 3/4 time.

If your congregation has never sung this hymn, perhaps your musicians would be willing to use one of the classical compositions based on the tune as part of their offerings of music for the day. Certainly the story behind the hymn's text and tune is worthy of telling as an illustration to illumine the lections of the day.

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Lection at HymnSite.com

Contributed by Rev. Linda K. Morgan-Clark

Additional Suggestions for Old Testament Lections

Job: See also Hymns 102-125 (God's Nature)
Amos: See Index listing, "Social Concerns" p.952; "Justice p. 947; see also Hymns 425-450 (Social Holiness)

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Additional Suggestions for Psalm Readings

Psalm 22: See Index listing, "Afliction and Tribulation" p.934; see also Hymns 509-536 (Strength in Tribulation)
Psalm 90: See Index listing, "Afliction and Tribulation" p.934; see also Hymns 102-125 (God's Nature); Hymns 509-536 (Strength in Tribulation)

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Additional Suggestions for Gospel Lesson

See Index listing, "Commitment" p.939; see also Hymns 395-424 (Personal Holiness)

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Additional Suggestions for Epistle Lesson

See Index listing, "Jesus Christ: Incarnation " p.945, "Atonement" p. 944; see also Hymns 153-194 (In Praise of Christ)

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Scriptures suggested at this site for use throughout the year are taken directly from The Revised Common Lectionary. Copyright (c) 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), P. O. Box 840, Room 381, Nashville, TN 37202-0840, USA. Used with Permission.